Travel Agents
Kopeng Treetop Adventure Park is outbound area of tree adventure which move from tree to tree through variety of different challenges. This adventure park is located in Semarang, Central Java - Indonesia.
Bumi Nata Wisata
Adisumarmo Street 136
Phone: (0271) 780050
Electra Duta Wisata
Brigjend Slamet Riyadi Street 227
Phone: (0271) 641600
Mulyo Indah Tour
Sutan Syahrir Street 24
Phone: (0271) 654344
Equator Tour
Ronggowasito Street 10
Phone: (0271) 642310
Hayuningrat Tour
Pagelaran Kraton Surakarta
Phone: (0271) 641868
Mutiara Tour
dr. Rajiman Street 280
Phone: (0271) 722601
Nusantara Tour
Urip Sumoharjo Street 5
Phone: (0271) 652888
Mandira Tour
Gajah Mada Street 96
Phone: (0271) 718558
Nabila Mitra Wisata Tour
Brigjend Slamet Riyadi Street 87
Phone: (0271) 669262
Wida Tour
Raya Solo Sragen Street 6 Palur, Karanganyar
Phone: (0271) 825116
Gapura Pusaka
KH. Ahmad Dahlan Street 7
Phone: (0271) 651006
Natra Tour
Gajah Mada Street 86
Phone: (0271) 641081
Nikki Tour
Sutowijoyo Street 45
Phone: (0271) 717733
Rosalia Indah Tour
Brigjend Slamet Riyadi Street 102
Phone: (0271) 825173
Sahid Gema Wisata
Brigjend Slamet Riyadi Street 380
Solo Inta Wisata Tour
Brigjend Slamet Riyadi Street 96
Phone: (0271) 656126
Subur Putra Wisata
Brigjend Slamet Ritadi Street E275
Phone: (0271) 733338
Asih Tour
Sutan Syahrir Street 83-83
Phone: (0271) 645305
Sugiharto Tour & Travel
Kepatihan Kulon Street 56
Alam Raya Sejahtera Tour
Ronggowasito Street 2A
Phone: (0271) 645305
Marina Tours
& Travel
Ruko Mutiara Marina number 7
Phone: (024) 761552
Haryono Tours & Travel
MH. Thamrin Street 58
Phone: (024) 8444000
Chiara Tours & Travel
Jati Raya Street, Block E Kav. 1
Phone: (024) 316148
Fax: (024) 445531
Fortuna Tours & Travel
Kompol Maksum Street 286
Phone: (024) 314601
Fax: (024) 471259
Gema Mahardika Tours & Travel
Setyabudi Street 53 A
Phone: (024) 473245
Fax: (024) 313129Solo
Pesona Duta T&T
Ronggowarsito Street 82
Phone: (0271) 651009
Yan't Favorite T & T
KHA. Dahlan Street 22
Phone: (0271) 634378
Panorama Jaya Asri
Brigjend Slamet Riyadi Street 608
Phone: (0271) 717435
Melati Biru Tour
Kalilarangan Street 8
Phone: (0271) 66241
Bintang Selatan
Tours & Travel
Jend. A. Yani Street 197 A
Phone: (024) 317556
Fax: (024) 511114
Electra Duta Wisata Tours & Travel
Gajahmada Street 1
Phone: (024) 3516 662
Fax: (024) 3516 664
Fortuna Tours & Travel
Kompol Maksum Street 286
Phone: (024) 314601
Fax: (024) 447374
Giantra Wisata Tours & Travel
MT. Haryono Street 517 B
Phone: (024) 443332
Bayu Buana Tours & Travel
MT. Haryono Street 760
Phone: (024) 449721
PT. Dewa Arystama
A. Yani Street 313A
Phone: (0271) 725505
Malai Sulindo Pratama
Dr. Rajiman Street 515
Phone: (0271) 715171
Bengawan Indah Tour & Travel
Gajah Mada Street 82
Phone: (0271) 633988
Indotara Nusa Buana
Kapt. Mulyadi Street 116
Phone: (0271) 633988
Luis Jaya Travel
Phone: (0293) 5510378
Wali Telon village
Phone: (0293) 5527110 Soma Motor Travel
Kios Kb Polo I/18
Phone: (0293) 363838 Rejeki Baru Travel
Raya Mertoyudan Street Ruko Prayudan Permai Block A/15 A
Phone: (0293) 326535 TEGAL
Andre Travel
KH Mansur Street 7
Phone: (0283) 356303
Rajawali Travel
Dr Sutomo Street 31
Phone: (0283) 356695
Permata Travel
Arif Rahman Hakim Street 118
Phone: (0283) 356454
Canon Travel
Arif Rahman Hakim Street 120
Phone: (0283) 356678
Arya Travel
KH Mukhlas Street 1
Phone: (0283) 343345
Nusantara Indah Travel
Arif Rahman Hakim Street 112
Phone: (0283) 320904
Mina Travel
Sawo Street 1
Phone: (0283) 351523
Duta Travel
Jalak Barat Street 42
Phone: (0283) 353363
Soma Motor Travel
Dr Sutomo Street 17
Phone: (0283) 351658
SM Travel & Paket
Letjen S Parman Street 15
Phone: (0283) 356130
Sinar Baru Travel
Arif Rahman Hakim Street 5
Phone: (0283) 356241
Bintang Wijaya Express Travel
Letkol Isdiman Street 10-B
Phone: (0281) 635340
Bama Patra
Jambu Street 7
Phone: (0281) 640260
Karang Klesem Street
Phone: (0281) 636996 Antarnusa Travel
Letkol Isdiman Street 17
Phone: (0281) 636671
Karuna Travel
Dr Suparno Street 18-A
Phone: (0281) 639234
Sawangan Agent
Mayjen Sutoyo Street 63
Phone: (0281) 631642
Maju Jaya Travel
Letjen Suprapto IV Street 4
Phone: (0281) 638444

Indonesia’s Heritage Collection: Van Der Wijck Fort -Kebumen
One of the many Dutch heritage forts, Van Der Wijck Fort is unique because the entire building is made of red brick. You’ve seen? This fort with an octagonal plan looks more charming with its red color, compared to Dutch forts which are generally colorless or white. It looks like the fort from the front and inside uses red bricks, but still with the characteristics of a Dutch fort in Indonesia which has a large building structure, such as windows, doors and rooms. With an area of 3606,625 square meters,…
10 Most Unique Tourist Villages in Magelang, Makes You Don’t Want to Go Home
Magelang has a number of temples as the favorite tourist destinations. Besides Borobudur, you can visit several other places, such as tourist villages. There are several tourist villages around Borobudur Temple with a unique and interesting atmosphere. In addition to saving nature, you can also get to know the culture behind it. Temanggung VillageTemanggung Village was viral because it was called Nepal van Java. The view of the village at the foot of Mount Sumbing is really epic. Tanjungsari VillageIf you are interested in the process of making honey, you…
Amazing Tourist Destinations in Jepara, Central Java
Punuk Sapi BeachPunuk Sapi Beach is also popularly known as Pantai Lemah Abang which means “red land beach”. It is named so because this beach is indeed filled with mounds to hills with red soil that at first glance looks like a cow’s hump (punuk sapi is cow’s hump in English). This beach has black sand, but it is also beautiful like the white sand beaches. There are hammocks and swings that you can use to relax, as well as take pictures from a height. This beach is located in…
Arjuna Temple, A Relic of Hindu in the Ancient Mataram Kingdom
Arjuna Temple complex is the most photographed and visited of the surviving temples on the Dieng Plateau. Situated just a few hundred meter from the homestays in Dieng village, they are an obvious first stop on a tour of the sights in the area. Though they are far from the most imposing of Javanese temples, they are the earliest surviving Hindu temples in Central Java, so they are of great importance historically. Built a century or two before the great temples around Yogyakarta and Magelang, they mark the original phase…